Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friend Making Monday...late as

Ten Things That Make Me Happy
1. Running.  Yes, it’s true.

2. Traveling and exploring new places.

3. Accomplishing things I set out to do.  Reaching goals.

4. My family, even though I rarely get to spend time with them we’re very close.

5.  Getting letters and/or packages in the mail from people who love me.

6.  Buying new things…whether it be clothes, furniture items, home décor items, you name it.

7. Coffee.  I love coffee.

8.  Cooking and baking.

9.  Donating items I no longer need/want to charity.

10.  Hanging out with friends.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Spring" Cleaning

Okay, I’m sorry, I’ve been a bad blogger.  I haven’t blogged in over a week now.  And it’s all because I’ve been obsessive and basically manic over cleaning my apartment out and redecorating it.  It’s all I can think about right now.  I’ve skipped the gym a couple times in favor of cleaning and/or redecorating already.  But my apartment is looking fantastic, let me tell you!

That lime-ish green ceramic statue of the Eiffel tower is literally my favorite décor item I’ve purchased.  I love it.  It’s so unique. 

I’m very happy because most of my apartment is now clutter free.  There are still a few spots with clutter, but they’re small compared to how it was before.  I have some boxes and painting related items in the dining room.  I have some magazines and random paper and other items in the living room, I have some clothes in the bedroom and the bathroom that need to be put up.  And I still need to clear off and scrub the kitchen counters, bathroom sink and bathtub.  I also still need to scrub all the fake wood floors.  After that, I’m pretty much done except for selling some items and replacing them.

On the fitness front, I’ve been keeping up with my workouts as much as I can.  I’ve been able to pick up 4 shifts of overtime at work in the last week and a half, so some of my gym and trak stand cycling workouts haven’t happened.  But, as always, I make sure I get all my runs in.  I worked a double shift on Saturday (from 2pm until 6am Sunday morning).  Sunday I was scheduled to run a 12 miler.  I was originally thinking that I could do it right after work Sunday morning.  But, as soon as I realized that would mean I would be awake for OVER 24 hours by the time I got done with the run, I nixed that idea.  Then I thought I would go Sunday evening, but I went to dinner with a friend so I was too full of food for that to happen.  So I then decided I would go Monday morning.  I set the alarm for 5am.  The alarm went off, and I hit snooze a couple times…like I usually do.  However, while I was hitting snooze I started thinking.  You see, I had accepted another shift of overtime for Monday night on the night shift.  So, if I did this, I’d be awake for over 24 hours.  Nope.  Not gonna do it.  I reset the alarm for closer to 10am and went back to sleep.  I ran Monday evening, in near 100 degrees (but hey, it wasn’t humid!)…but I only ran 7 miles.  That was what I was scheduled to run Tuesday morning (but would be unable to do Tuesday because I would get off work at 6am and have to return at 2pm).  So, I did the 7 miles Monday evening and Wednesday morning, I’ll do the 12 miles.  That way, I’ll get all my scheduled miles in for the month.

I did a little cursory weigh in on Sunday morning.  I have my final weigh in for the fitness challenge on Thursday, so I didn’t want to “officially” weigh in twice in one week.  I stepped on the scale Sunday morning and it registered at 173.  Up .8 of a pound.  Not too bad considering I had eaten 2 small cheeseburgers and a chipotle burrito bowl the night before.  So, I think if I hadn’t eaten those things, I would have weighed in at 172.2 again.  I was really hoping to be 169.9 or less for my final weigh in for the challenge, but I’m still quite okay with what I’ve got right now.  It fits me into my final and biggest goal for the whole challenge: to be 22% or less body fat.  And, right now, I am.  So, I am happy with where I am right now.

Anyway, I have been made aware that I have a new follower or two…so WELCOME!  And thank you Carina for referring them to my blog!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Friend Makin Monday

1.Share your current “Must-See” TV shows.
Extreme Weight Loss and Breaking Amish
2.Do you prefer reality shows or sitcoms?  
Reality shows
3.Who is your favourite talk show host?
4.Which network(s) do you turn to for news? 
5.Do you have Tivo or DVR?  If so, which programs do you have set to record? 
DVR…pretty much any show I want to watch comes on while I’m at work (except Breaking Amish cuz I’m off on Sundays), so I have it set to record Extreme Weight Loss, Ancient Aliens, Big Bang Theory, HGTV Star and a few others
6.Have you ever started watching a show simply because you heard so much about it on social media? 
Not that I can think of
7.List any TV series that you own on DVD.  
-Sex In The City
-Dead Like Me
-Saving Grace
8. Do you have a subscription to Netflix, Hulu, etc?
I used to but I canceled it when I got cable
9.If you could star in a TV show that already exists, which one would you choose?
Big Bang Theory
10.If you could bring back one TV show that is no longer on the air, which one would you choose? 
Sex In The City

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Weigh In & A Dresser

I weighed in this morning and what do you know…I weigh the same.  Ugh.  I mean, the great news is I didn't gain anything, but the bad news is that I didn't lose anything either.  Again.  It’s now been 4 weeks at 172.2.  I’ve been busting my butt with my exercise and controlling my eating.  I just don't understand why the scale isn't moving in a downward direction like it should be.

I’m sanding down and refinishing the dresser that my great grandma wolf left me when she passed away.  I had painted it when I was 26 and, well, you can tell I was young when I did it.  It looks like something that a 20-something or a teenager would do.  Anyway, I’m sanding it down and painting it black.  Found some nice drawer pulls too.  Dang, drawer pulls are pricey!  I managed to find a value pack of 10 (the exact number I needed) for $17 + tax that were quite attractive.  Here’s what the dresser looked like when I started:
I mean, don't get me wrong, it looks really good.  But it looks better in this pic than it does in person.  The grey paint was applied with a very small brush and there are alllll sorts of brush marks and inconsistencies in the paint thickness/thinness. 

So, I had to stop when I had gotten the dresser frame itself about 90% sanded because apparently the vibrations from the sander agitated some wasps that have a next about 6-8 feet away from my balcony in the roof eave.  So, I had to stop and go to the store for wasp spray.  Then, I thought that after waiting for about half an hour, they would have either all flown away or died.  However, when I went out after half an hour, there was still about 10 or so on the nest.  So, I sprayed it again.  Then, I had to wait for quite a while longer again to make sure that they were done flying around being pissed off that I sprayed them before I could go back out and resume sanding.  Here’s the dresser all sanded:
When I got back home from a trip to Garden Ridge (evil, evil store...haha), I finished sanding it, then I started painting it.  I did 3 coats (I should have gotten a primer...oh well, live and learn, right?) and it looks pretty spiffy.  I’m very happy with it.  I got latex paint, so it dries very, very fast.  YAY! 
Here’s the top of it decked out with a nifty lamp, a wire bird and a Buddha I picked up at Target and Garden Ridge today:
I am EXTREMELY happy with how this turned out.  Super excited to do the little desk that my great grandma left me now!  Probably sometime in august, I’ll tackle that one.

In closing, I received the pendants I ordered in the mail today.  They look awesome!  I love them!

I didn’t work out today because I was so busy with all the running around and dresser refinishing I was doing.  I was supposed to go to the gym and do strength training (chest, back, triceps & shoulders…4x25’s).  I’ll do it on Monday, so it’s all good.  Tomorrow is Sunday and that means it’s long run day!!!  Yay!!!  I have 12 miles scheduled for tomorrow and I’m excited about it.  Also, so long as I feel up to it, I’m going to meet a friend in the evening for an easy 3 mile run.  I’m on the fence right now as to whether or not I’m hoping I *will* feel up to it.  We haven’t set a time for it yet, I left the ball in her court to let me know what time works for her and I haven’t heard back from her yet. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Friend Makin Monday...Late Again

Foodie Questions
1. Do you make grocery lists?  Yes…if I don’t, I usually forget half of what I need
2.  Do you have a routine when shopping in your favorite grocery store?  
Not really…I mean, I guess I go and get the non-perishable items first (aka-my sparkling waters and Snapple teas), then move on to cooler things like the almond milk and greek yogurt, then I hit up the meat counter for salmon and then onto the produce.
3.  What is your favorite seasoning?  
There’s this sweet salmon rub stuff that they sell at the meat counter of my local grocery store chain (HEB) that I just love!
4.  What is the healthiest food in your fridge right now?  
apples, bell peppers, 0% plain greek yogurt, almond milk…and water.  Of course, I think that’s EVERYTHING that’s in my fridge right now.
5.  What is the most unhealthy food in your fridge now?  
ummm…the light ranch dressing single servings I saved from a couple trips to DQ (they give you 2 containers of the stuff with each salad and I only use 1…I save the other one for if I make my own salad at home)
6. What is the most exotic produce you’ve ever had?
Yucca root
7. Tell us about your favorite local restaurant.  
Hmmm…I guess I’ll pick Teji’s.  it’s an Indian restaurant and they make the BEST lamb tikka masala ever!  Oh and the best garlic naan I’ve ever had too.
8.  What kind of pasta do you prefer (regular, whole wheat, etc.?)  
spaghetti squash
9. If you could make one food calorie-free for an entire week, which food would you choose?  
Bacon cheeseburgers
10.  If you had to choose would you rather give up french fries or chocolate?  
I guess French fries, because my post workout “snack” is 1 cup of dark chocolate almond milk (great recovery drink)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Suit

Just a real quick post to say that I found my swimsuit soulmate today:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gusto 15K Race Report

This morning’s run was awesome!  I didn’t feel fantastic, but I definitely felt good.  I kept up a 10:30-ish min/mi pace for the whole runYAY!  

When I picked up my race packet last night, one of the guy’s at the pick-up table was an associate of the owner of the restaurant (Perico’s) where the pick-up was happening, was talking me up.  He was amazed that I had driven down from Austin to run this race.  Anyway, when I showed up this morning for the race, I was standing there just waiting and the same guy walked up to me and said hello, then called over this other guy who was a race volunteer and told him that I had driven all the way from Austin for the race.  The lady standing next to me heard this and told me she had come down from Austin as well.  In fact, she’s completely new to Texas.  She just moved down here from North Carolina at the beginning of June!  So, we were talking about our runs and our goals.  She has the goal to run a half marathon in each of the 50 states.  So do I!!!  She’s done 13 so far.  Anyway, she looked down at my shoes for whatever reason and noticed I didn’t have my timing chip and promptly told me to go get it.  Duh!  I didn’t even realize that there wasn’t a timing chip on the back of the bib like there has been in my last few races.

The race started shortly after 7am and the sun was barely up.  The humidity was around 45%, so it wasn’t all yucky feeling out.  And the temperature was in the mid to upper 70’s.  Really nice for a race start.  The good news is, I remembered to start my Garmin as I crossed the starting point timing pad.  We made a quick loop around the parking lot and then headed for the trail (Salado Creek Greenway).  The trail was, I would estimate, about 90% shaded (the ENTIRE way!!!).  The trees lining the trail were all tall.  The scenery was fantastic.  I didn’t obsess about checking my pacein fact I kept forgetting to check it.  But, when I did check it, it was always between 10:15 and 10:50 min/mi, so I knew I had found the right pace for today. 

Something that surprised me was that there was a guy all dressed up like the Crocodile Hunter (seriously) and he was wearing crocs on his feet.  Yes, that’s right, crocs to run in. 

At mile 2.75, I ate my first gel.  I decided that I would try something new (I know, it’s blasphemy doing something new during a race).  I decided not to stop to take in my gels.  I was going to take them in AS I was running.  It was a little awkward with breathing, but I managed it.  And mile 5.75, I took in my second gelagain, awkward with the breathing, but otherwise, not too bad.  So, I didn’t have to stop at all during the entire run!  When I ran out of Gatorade in my handheld bottle, I just shuffled my fuel belt bottles so that the full ones were on the right side so I could get to them with my free hand. 

I crossed the finish line, according to my Garmin, in 1:38:18.  That’s an average pace per mile of 10:34.  Not too shabby!  Truthfully, I was hoping to hit an average pace of around 10 minutes per mile, but I’m not disappointed.  It would have been fantastic to place in my age group since it wasn’t a big race, but oh wellnot this time.  Maybe if they had broken up the age groups into 5 year increments instead of 10 years then I would have placed.  But, again, oh well.  I’m not butthurt over it.  I don’t know exactly how I placed because the results aren’t posted yet, even though the announcer lady told me that they would be posted by the beginning of this afternoon.  So, I’ll post those on here when they DO post to their website.

Race results posted to the website right as I was posting this blogso here you go!

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