Tuesday, April 30, 2013

3 Days of Running

Today was day 3 of 3 days of running…in a row.  Whew!  The last time I ran more than 2 days back to back was at the end of November and that was on the treadmill, no more than 3 miles and was broken up into intervals.  It doesn’t compare at all.  I almost wasn’t sure I was going to be able to pull it off, especially with the sheer amount of miles I was attempting to conquer within the last 3 days…19.1!  But, I did it.  And I did it with style!  Haha.  My first 4 miles of today’s 8 miler I did at or below the 10 minute per mile mark.  Wow!  And then, the last 4 miles were right around 10:30-10:45 per mile.  Not much of a drop in pace, if you ask me.  I felt really good for today’s run, not really feeling fatigued or tired at all.  I had a nice little “bounce” in my step for the majority of the run.

Part of the reason I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to finish what I started was because I had to stand up for 8 hours at work yesterday, so my feet were really tired and my lower back was feeling a little compressed when I got home last night.  Thankfully, sleep fixed all that for me and I felt good when I woke up this morning…well, aside from being a little sleepy, that is.  I’ll get back in the habit of waking up before 7:30am…heck, I’ve GOT to if I’m going to make it through the summer months running 3-4 times per week.  I’ve already decided that I will be investing in some running lights so I can get up at around 5am and be running by about 5:30 during the hot summer months.

Anyway, my legs are a little tired after 3 days straight of running, but other than that, I feel really good.  So, my grand total for the month of April is 82.3 miles.  My goal mileage for May is 90 miles…on the dot.  I’ve already got my schedule worked out so that I can hit this goal.

The other thing I have to report is that I signed up for my next event:  the Autism Speaks 8K.  I’ll get to run around the Camp Mabry National Guard base in Austin, TX.  I’m really looking forward to it.



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