Monday, April 15, 2013

Terrorism @ the Boston

Omg.  So I just heard about the explosions at the Boston Marathon…granted, it JUST happened.  Omg.  All I can say is omg.  It makes me tear up.  I have a connection to these people so it hits home.  Plus, one day I’d like to be participating in a prestigious marathon event like the Boston.  My heart and sympathy goes out to the participants, the spectators and their loved ones.  And, even though I don’t pray, my spiritual thoughts will be spent on this.  This is a blatant act of terrorism, whether or not they received any threats or intelligence involving it.  Why else would you set off explosives at the finish line to a widely popular sporting event like the Boston?  It’s horrifying and saddening.  If I wasn’t at work right now, I’d be balling my eyes out for those people.  I’m glad more people weren’t killed, but 2 is still too many to die senselessly like this.

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