Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Finish Line

YAY!  The official pictures from Saturday’s Stand Up 5K came out today.  Here I am crossing the finish line.  Looks like I’m walking, but I wasn’t.  Especially with a time of 32:48.  Not fast, but not slow either.

Today, I almost skipped the gym.  Almost.  I had a really hard time falling asleep last night.  Went to bed and just laid there for over an hour, then a storm rolled in and there was all sorts of loud booming going on from the thunder.  I put up with that for about another 20-30 minutes before I took some NyQuil.  My alarm went off at the usual time and I was so tired from lack of sleep I reset the alarm for 10am and decided I would take today as a rest day from working out.  I woke up at 9:45am, looked at the time, thought for a minute and said forget this, Im going to the gym!  Ive got time!  Ate breakfast, drank my coffee and right at 10am I was heading out the door for the gym.  Got a really good workout inlegs and abs.  However, during my first exercise (squats), I tweaked my lower back and now it hurts.  I took a muscle relaxer and some ibuprofen and it feels a little better, but it still hurts.  Itll take a few days before it feels 100% again, so I should be okay come Sunday when Im running the 10K race.  Ill have a 4 mile run on Friday to test it out at any rate.  Im sure it will be just fine, tho . 

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