Monday, April 1, 2013

Run, Bike & Swim

I’m going to do my best to train at least every other Friday morning (preferably EVERY Friday morning) for the duathlon (Tri for Old Glory) by getting up early in the morning so I have enough time to go and do a run and then immediately after do a bike ride.  I really don’t want to give up my long run day being on Sunday and I just simply cannot do a long run on Sunday after doing a sorta long run mixed with a long bike ride on Saturday.  So, I figure I’ll wake up at like 6:30 or 7am on Fridays, spend an hour with my coffee and breakfast, then head out for my run.  My Friday run is usually a medium length run of about 5-6.2 (which just happens to be a 10K distance!), so I’ll keep that the same to start.  Then, when I’m done with the run, I’ll go up the stairs to my apartment and fetch my bike and then ride for at least 20 miles (about 2 hours).  My goal is to get up to running 7-7.5 miles immediately followed by at least a 26 mile bike ride.  If I can do that, then I can do the duathlon with all of its excitement no problem.

Yesterday I went and bought a new Speedo-style swimsuit (pink, of course!), goggles and a swim cap.  Why?  I’m going to start swimming laps once a week for 30 minutesto start.  I’d like to eventually get that up to an hour.  But, I don’t want to overdo it just starting out.  I think to start, 30 minutes is enough.  If I feel like I need more exercise after the swim, I’ll just hop on one of the cardio machines, but I’m sure I’ll feel like Jello when I’m done with the laps.  And no, I’m not going to change my mind about doing all 3 events at the Triathlon in July.  Maybe next year I’ll do a full Tri, but this year I don’t want to mess with a swim transition.

Also, I bought a new lock for my bike yesterday, so now I can ride my bike to the gym on Saturday and attend a class (it’s called BodyCombatit’s a cardio class based on martial arts forms) for an hour and then ride my bike some more.  It’s 8 miles from my apartment to the gym.  So, I’ll ride the 8 miles to the gym, do the class and then on the ride home, I’ll ride at least 16 miles. 

So, my weekly workout schedule will look something like this:
  • Sunday: long run, at least 6.2 miles
  • Monday: strength training
  • Tuesday: short run 4-5.5 miles
  • Wednesday: strength training
  • Thursday: swim laps
  • Friday: duathlon training
  •  Saturday: bicycling (at least 24 miles) + BodyCombat class

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