Monday, April 15, 2013

Falling Short

So, I added up my miles so far for the month of April.  Currently, I have 35.8 miles.  My goal for this month was to log 90 miles.  Well, I’m going to fall short of that and log .5 miles less than last month’s total of 81.7.  I put together my run schedule for the rest of the month (yea, I know, I’m a little behind in doing that) and here’s what it looks like:
4/16 6.2
4/19 5
4/21 9
4/23 7
4/26 4
4/28 6.2
4/30 8

I would do MORE on the 28th, but I’m running an organized 10K that day.  I mean, I guess if I really want to, I could go for a second run in the afternoon to log like 3 or 4 more miles.  We shall see.  But, even if I do that, I’ll still fall short of my 90 mile goal.  So, I’ll recycle that goal for May and will make my run schedule before the month starts.

In order to log 90 miles for the month of May, I’ll need to log an average of 22.5 miles per week.  There’s a partial fifth week for the month where I would run once (during the month of May part of the week, that is) on top of the other 4 weeks.  So, let’s just say I run 6.5 miles that daythat means the other 4 weeks, I have to log at least 16 miles a week.  I can total do that. 

My other plan with my running is to add ½ a mile to my Sunday long runs every other week.  For instance, starting on May 5th, I’ll run my second week at 9 miles.  Then, the following Sunday, I’ll run 9.5 miles.  I’ll run that for 2 Sundays in a row and then bump the mileage up to 10 miles even.  At this rate, by the end of August, I’ll be logging 13 miles on my Sunday runs.  That means that in September I’ll be ready to run a half marathon!!!  Which is great because, if it doesn't interfere with my plans to ride the 40 or 50 mile route of the Outlaw Bike Tour in October, I want to run the See Jane Run Half Marathon.  They haven't posted the date yet or that it will even be happening.  The website has a date from October 2012 with the note that it was postponed to October 2013.

Okay, I couldn’t resist and went ahead and put together a run schedule for next monthhere it is:
5/3 6.5
5/5 9
5/7 6
5/10 5
5/12 9.5
5/14 6.5
5/17 5.5
5/19 9.5
5/21 7
5/24 5
5/26 10
5/28 6
5/31 4.5

That comes out to EXACTLY 90 miles.  BOOM!

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