Monday, April 1, 2013

Fitness Challenge Weigh In

Weighed in this morning for the fitness challenge that I’m a part of.  The scale surprised me by telling me I currently weigh 176.8.  I seriously thought I would be around 179-181.  My body fat crept back up and is now 22.3%, but that’s okay.  I can deal with that.  Every 4 months I redo all my measurements (neck, chest, upper arm, forearm, waist, hips, thigh, and calf).  I lost 4.25 inches over the last 4 months.  Not too shabby. 

So, like I said in yesterday’s post, I am recommitting myself and will do my best to not let myself get overwhelmed by my goals and my progress, which is a lot of what happened over the last 2 months that I only lost 2.4 lbs when it was all said and done.  I will repeat my goal for the next 2 months: I want to lose at least 7 lbs.  As long as I stay committed, I should be able to do this.

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